The average house price on SWANAGE WALK is £125,866
The most expensive house in the street is 16 SWANAGE WALK with an estimated value of £156,400
The cheapest house in the street is 17 SWANAGE WALK with an estimated value of £101,849
The house which was most recently sold was 15 SWANAGE WALK, this sold on 9 Oct 2020 for £87,500
The postcode for SWANAGE WALK is HU4 7LL
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
13 SWANAGE WALK Terraced £139,745 £88,000 13 Jul 2007
14 SWANAGE WALK Terraced , 73 m2 £112,784 £90,000 15 Jun 2018
15 SWANAGE WALK Terraced , 80 m2 £103,405 £87,500 9 Oct 2020
16 SWANAGE WALK Semi-Detached £156,400 £75,950 19 Apr 2004
17 SWANAGE WALK Terraced , 72 m2 £101,849 £78,000 3 Mar 2017
20 SWANAGE WALK Terraced , 93 m2 £141,014 £93,000 3 Sep 2014